Thursday, September 15, 2011

My Summer

During July I volunteered at summer day camps with young kids and in August I went to Florida for 3 weeks. The one week that I volunteered at the Humane Society camp, I think it was connected to helping with the issue of cruelty to animals. Throughout the week we taught the kids behaviour of different animals, how to approach them, and that they don't need to be afraid. At the end of the week I felt that we helped them gain the knowledge that animals are a privilege and not to be taken for granted. When I went to Florida I think that an issue I contributed to was the economy because when I went out I didn't have to worry about money the same way some people who lived there did. I think that I didn't help matters necessarily because I was spending money on things when the people working there either got minimum wage or less and the money did not go to help the people in need.