Sunday, November 20, 2011

Human Rights

          The Famous Five as they are known really interest me because they were really the first women to band together and fight for women's rights. This group was made up of five women from different parts of Canada and England but all were living in Alberta at the time fighting for the right that women become a legal 'person' of Canada. In the late '20s Emily Murphy, Irene Parlby, Nellie McClung, Louise McKinney, and Henrietta Edwards fought for the right that women should have equal rights and fought that women should be allowed to run for Senate. This case is famously known as the Persons Case.
          After taking this case to the Supreme Court of Canada and a lengthy trial did it become legalized that women were allowed to run for Senate even though the first woman appointed to senate was Cairine Wilson and it did not happen until around 1930. But this case and these women did bring a lot of media on the fact that women needed more rights and should be equal to men.
          After reading about these women it shows me that unfortunately not every women in the world has these same rights. It makes me realize that being a Canadian Citizen is a privilege and that I am lucky to live in a country where men and women are almost equal but we are still recognized. It inspires me to learn more about other countries that don't have these same rights and see what has been done to try and make it happen.


" We have learned that we cannot live alone, at peace; that our own well-being is dependent on the well-being of other nations, far away.... We have learned to be citizens of the world, members of the human community." 
- Franklin D. Roosevelt, Former US President, 1945.

           In my own opinion this quote means that everyone is connected and never alone and that everyone depends on one another. I think when Roosevelt says "We have learned to be citizens of the world" he is saying we have learned that it is not just our country or our community but that we are a whole with the world and that everyone has to think of each other.
           In todays world it represents everything and everyone. This quote strongly demonstrates interdependence. It proves that globally we are connected and that one persons action will effect someone in another part of the world. It agrees with the theory of interdependence of how we used to be fragments of of puzzle but now act as a whole, or were many communities and are now one big community. 
           In the first part of the quote it explains how once we were independent creates walking the earth alone and being peaceful that way. But now every small thing is somehow connected we would not be able to exist without one another and how we are dependent on each other. Every country is co-dependent on another, everyone is successful because of someone else and that person is successful because of us. You can see this co-dependency in world trading because each nation provides a different resource that is highly needed in todays world.
           In the second part of the quote he says how everyone is aware of one another and how we have learned to live with each other and co-exist. We are citizens of the world because technology is so advanced that we are able to make long journeys to see other parts of the world and understand the different ethnicities and cultures to be able to understand other people way of life. 

AIC Reflection and European Debt Crisis

           In the AIC I am Tayyip Erdogan representing Turkey and throughout the AIC Turkey has been sending out emails and a press release stating why we should be a part of the United Nations. I can say we are very close to accomplishing this goal.
            I have been emailing back and forth Seyyed Ali Khamenei representing Iran and have become  quite close allies. I have also had conversations with David Cameron representing Britain about becoming allies and them supporting us to become permanent members of the United Nations. Unfortunately I also had a conflict with Hassan Nasrallah representing the Lebanon Hezbollah Coalition due to the fact that our alliance was misunderstood and they did not go in to detail that they were looking to start a war and were supporting terrorism.

            The European Debt Crisis has effected the world economy and has made many countries wary of trading and making deals with Europe. When Greece made national news with the possibility of defaulting on its loans the world was in an uproar and the European Union was left to deliberate on whether or not they should rescue Greece. For weeks this was the focus of the world, meanwhile Italy was in just as much trouble.
           Italy is now the star of everyones focus and not in a good way. Italy's debt is almost 120% of their GDP and economic growth. On November 14th, 2011 Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi stepped down, and many were happy with this decision. Italy was implementing that by 2026 the retirement age would raise to 67 and were planning to raise over 15 billion euros over the next three years from real estate sales. These are near impossible goals because with the economic recession not many people will be interested in spending lots of money on a house and many people will want to retire early and some are not able to work at age 67 in their own professions.