Sunday, November 20, 2011

Human Rights

          The Famous Five as they are known really interest me because they were really the first women to band together and fight for women's rights. This group was made up of five women from different parts of Canada and England but all were living in Alberta at the time fighting for the right that women become a legal 'person' of Canada. In the late '20s Emily Murphy, Irene Parlby, Nellie McClung, Louise McKinney, and Henrietta Edwards fought for the right that women should have equal rights and fought that women should be allowed to run for Senate. This case is famously known as the Persons Case.
          After taking this case to the Supreme Court of Canada and a lengthy trial did it become legalized that women were allowed to run for Senate even though the first woman appointed to senate was Cairine Wilson and it did not happen until around 1930. But this case and these women did bring a lot of media on the fact that women needed more rights and should be equal to men.
          After reading about these women it shows me that unfortunately not every women in the world has these same rights. It makes me realize that being a Canadian Citizen is a privilege and that I am lucky to live in a country where men and women are almost equal but we are still recognized. It inspires me to learn more about other countries that don't have these same rights and see what has been done to try and make it happen.


  1. This was a really good blog post Sarah!
    I don't know much about women's rights and I definately take them for granted, living in Canada. Your post got me really interested in learning more about women's rights around the world, because most people don't realize that this is still a problem today and not all women are treated equally.

  2. Great post! I agree with you and many women don't realize why they have their freedoms today. The point that you touched upon that I feel was very prevalent is that many women still today don't have rights that we have and they need to be recognized!

  3. Nice post Sarah! Women's rights have been and are still lacking. And these group of women made a big difference, as they legalized that women were allowed to run for Senate. They allowed that the first woman appointed was able to happen around 1930. I agree that we are very lucky to be living in Canada, as we get lots of privileges, that men and woman are almost equal which is a huge step from the olden ages.

  4. The famous five are so inspirational. Women's have gotten so much better thanks to them but we still have a little way to go. We are so lucky to live in Canada and so blessed we have all the rights we do. Great post. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I am a huge fan of the famous five! I definitely agree that we are lucky to be Canadian and that we have rights to protect us from obvious gender inequalities. Although this problem seems like nothing now, it is important for us women to still stick together and stand up for ourselves even if that means some males will disagree with us. Power in numbers, just like the famous five did!
