Sunday, November 20, 2011


" We have learned that we cannot live alone, at peace; that our own well-being is dependent on the well-being of other nations, far away.... We have learned to be citizens of the world, members of the human community." 
- Franklin D. Roosevelt, Former US President, 1945.

           In my own opinion this quote means that everyone is connected and never alone and that everyone depends on one another. I think when Roosevelt says "We have learned to be citizens of the world" he is saying we have learned that it is not just our country or our community but that we are a whole with the world and that everyone has to think of each other.
           In todays world it represents everything and everyone. This quote strongly demonstrates interdependence. It proves that globally we are connected and that one persons action will effect someone in another part of the world. It agrees with the theory of interdependence of how we used to be fragments of of puzzle but now act as a whole, or were many communities and are now one big community. 
           In the first part of the quote it explains how once we were independent creates walking the earth alone and being peaceful that way. But now every small thing is somehow connected we would not be able to exist without one another and how we are dependent on each other. Every country is co-dependent on another, everyone is successful because of someone else and that person is successful because of us. You can see this co-dependency in world trading because each nation provides a different resource that is highly needed in todays world.
           In the second part of the quote he says how everyone is aware of one another and how we have learned to live with each other and co-exist. We are citizens of the world because technology is so advanced that we are able to make long journeys to see other parts of the world and understand the different ethnicities and cultures to be able to understand other people way of life. 


  1. As human being we are all connected but do you see this as a bad thing? Such as if one person falls we all fall with them? Or a good think like if someone falls we all help to pick them up and if so is the world unselfish enough to do so? I agree with you about how we (who are involved in interdependence) have learned to co exist but what about the developing countries who have not much to offer the word trade... ? Just curious on your opinion! Great job! :)

  2. Interdependence can be a good thing and a bad thing. I think Roosevelt said that quote while putting it in a positive light. And don't get me wrong it can be a very good thing but it has the potential to be bad. Like Naomi said, "if one person fall we all fall with them?" We, as a global community, have to be much more responsible.

  3. I agree with Brittany, that interdependence can be a good thing and a bad thing. I realize that everyone does have to live together and work as a whole, but realistically our species is a very selfish bunch. Having said this, I believe there are still many ways we can compromise to get the best of both worlds.
