Thursday, December 15, 2011

Respond to the Quote

"All that it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Sir Edmund Burke, 1769.

           In my opinion I think this quote is saying to us that if we just stand by and do nothing, bad things will keep happening and will make the world worse and that things will not get fixed. An example of this is everyday bullying. It is an issue because many people are bullied and the bystanders don't do anything to stop the bully. 


  1. Hey sarah great post, I really agree that by standing and doing nothing, nothing will be done, and the world will soon be unliveable. If no one stands up bullies, will keep bullying weaker people, and it will never be sorted.

  2. I also agree. I liked the example of bullying because everyone can relate to it. Bully isn;t going to go away if we all just sit and watch.

  3. Sarah, I strong agree with your outlook. Being a bystander has doesn't help the situation or the individual. If we do not act, then we will just allow gridlock to happen in our society and with all the problems we face, that is definitely not a smart tactic.
