Tuesday, May 22, 2012

3 Important Issues

Now that the course is coming to an end I think back and realize that I have learned about so many different global issues in such a short span of time. In my opinion the 3 most important issues that I've learned about are:

  1. The first issue that I believe is important is the Arab-Israeli Conflict. It was a huge chunk of our curriculum because we had to do a simulation. It was an experience in itself to learn about it but to actually experience it by going through this simulation really set in reality. After finding out what countries had to go through to fight for what they want but to also try and keep peace it was very difficult to manage. It just showed how stressful and serious this conflict is.
  2. The next issue that in my opinion is important is racism. After discussing it I realized how much racism there is in my daily life. That was when I realized how much of an issue it was, I didn't even realize some of it was racism because it was said as a joke. People don't think of the consequences and how what they're saying can affect others. This is a serious issue that needs to be stopped because for generations to come it will be seen as okay to make fun of people by their appearance but it can also cause even more conflict between ethnic groups because of a silly joke.
  3. My last important issue is education. Even though it wasn't technically an "issue" that we discussed it was a solution for everything. In the end a lot of issues are not resolved because of peoples lack of education. More programs need to be implemented to educate not only third world countries but also for the younger generations to help prevent more tragedies because of disease. 


  1. We share the same first issue! However your second and third issues are very important issues to address as well. I think racism and education actually go hand in hand very well because if we educate people not to follow stereotypes then racism will not be as prominent in our communities.

  2. These are all very important issues in my opinion! I really like how you included education because even though it's not a direct issue it ties into almost every issue relevant to society today. Knowledge is power and the more the world knows the more informed and understanding we are as a whole. I agree that more programs must be placed in order to encourage learning in third world countries.
