Monday, May 21, 2012


Globalization is the relationship between countries, mainly economically. It is also the increasing dependency we have for other countries. This can have a very positive effect on countries. We have easier access to technology and resources that we may not be able to produce on our own soil. It also gives us the chance to make that profit in trading, it helps us build relationships with other countries. But it can also have a very negative effect on countries. Since we have become so connected and dependent on our alliances with these other nations if something were to happen in that area it would most likely affect our country as well. A perfect example of this is the European Debt Crisis, because of Greece's debt they are putting the EU at risk. If they were to default it would crash the Euro. There are both negatives and positives to every situation. In this case it seems to be more negative because we are so interconnected that the smallest thing can affect the world.


  1. There is always a positive and negative views on everything. You bring some very good points that globalization has had very positive effects on countries. Easier for trade, access to technology and resources. The negative effect like you mentioned the European debt crisis, if greece were to default it would cause a ripple effect on the European Union countries, as well as the Euro zone

  2. I agree that globalization connects countries economically, however I also believe that globalization has connected countries on other levels as well. For example, from a demographic standpoint, population and individuals are constantly interconnecting through countries, building relationships with people all over the world.
