Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Biggest Threat in the Next 50 Years For Canada

I think that in the next 50 years the biggest threat Canada will be facing is environmental issues. What I mean by this is that because we consume so much of our resources that we will have a shortage and have to find alternative resources. I think that a main concern would be deforestation because even though we are realizing that we can't cut down a mass amount of trees each time, we are still doing it.

Though we have realized what we are doing wrong our population is still being greedy. We have come to realize and know that what we are doing is causing a problem in the long run but we choose to ignore this and still clearcut our forests. Canada is known for our forests and beautiful nature sights but our desire for more is killing these beautiful sights and habitats for our biodiversity. Not only are we going to have a period where we cannot cut down our trees for products because we used so much now but we will also lose many species. We are taking their natural habitat away and therefore they will become endangered because they are not able to survive or migrate somewhere else and we will lose that biodiversity.


  1. Sarah, we have similiar outlooks for threats Canada may face. I believe the environment is a very crucial component of our future and if we continue to treat it like we are, for instance the example you used about deforestation, then we are heading down a very risky road as a country.

  2. I agree with both of you, Canada really needs to step up in our environmental clean up and protection if we want future generations to enjoy our beautiful land. Not just that, but we have to be able to use our resources to support ourselves as well as our economy!
