Saturday, May 19, 2012

Reflection On AIC NSA

In our final email from our NSA he congratulated us on the progress we made through the simulation. He also commented on the fact that we were very successful in accomplishing our goals and that we handled situations very well. He was pleased that we completed our main goal of joining the European Union and that we were able to stay in it throughout the simulation while accomplishing our other goals. Throughout the simulation our NSA was very helpful in guiding us to make our goals a reality. He agreed with the goals we proposed and voiced that they were realistic goals that we would be able to accomplish by the end of the simulation. Our NSA was constantly in contact with us and gave us suggestions on how to make Turkey a neutral country. He would give us his opinion on what to include in our press releases and what other initiatives we should take to reach our goals. Overall our NSA played a role in helping us achieve our goals and stay peaceful within the AIC Simulation.


  1. Great job! Sounds like you got really into your game and took it seriously and it paid off! It is also good to hear that you were able to stay peaceful. I know that was a problem for some other groups. Kudos to you!

  2. Since we did have the same NSA because we both did Turkey, I agree with you that our NSA played a big role in helping us achieve our goals and stay peaceful within the AIC. He help make our goals of joining the EU realistic and gave us great pointers. He helped us make the AIC simulation a joy.

  3. Seems like you did a great job on your simulation! Thats great! :) I thought this simulation was a great learning experience for all of us as world issues students to really understand how this conflict is.

  4. It's great that your NSA was pleased with your accomplishments, it was a very big aspect of the simulation! My team completed our main goal as well which was awesome. The AIC conflict helped me very much to understand exactly what is going on in oir world with the middle east and who is involved.
